Step 1

Step1 in brief: Check qualifying requirements. Age, citizenship and income eligibility

Please fill up the form attached and do not sign yet as we will type electronically to make it neat. After all is checked and good, that's the time for you to sign the docs.

Meantime please prepare the following documents: (say, you're applying this month of April)

1. National ID and/or Passport copy (we will put a password before we send to BDO due to PDPA)

2. Your Jan, February and March 2022 payslip

3. Select who will be your Loan administrator (should be a Filipino relative or trusted next of kin based in PH; he/she will be your representative since you're based abroad)

7. AIF Info sheet - details and signed by loan admin

4. Two (2) gov't issued IDs of the loan administrator

5.1 Copy of Contract-to-sell and

5.2 Developer's Schedule of Payment (per project, e.g SMDC Lane and SMDC Shore and SMDC Shore Parking)

6. Your Certificate of Employment

We will let you know in advance any more documents to be passed to them if any.

Download the Home Loan Form

4-paged Home Loan Application form (BDO as Jan 2022)

1 BDO Home Loan Application Form(ver 2021) (4pages).pdf